Let me set the scene for you.
32 degree weather.
A car that I was too lazy and cheap to get the air conditioning fixed in.
Kelowna traffic.
Two whiney cranky little boys.
The Mall (note the capitalization, kind of like you would capitalize Hell).
Back to school shopping (which I TOTALLY forgot about until this morning).
To backtrack a little, we started our day at swimming lessons (see post: Right on Schedule). I used my MC to pay for the next set of swimming lessons. Stopped to get gas.
Headed into town and made these stops (using Mastercard):
and finally Please Mum.
I hand my card to the lady at Please Mum. She brings it back with that embarrassed look (the you obviously are living outside of your means look) and tells me the card has been declined.
I ask her to try again because I know for a fact that I can't be even near my limit.
She acquiesces but no go.
Now, I *know* the reason it isn't going through is because of the security thingy on the card that flags it when it decides that too many purchases have been made. (but just for a moment deep down inside I wonder if Jason has purchased something large without my knowledge again...houseboat? front end loader? but I digress, and those are both seperate stories which deserve their very own post someday)
I whip out my AMEX, finish the purchase and drag the kids out to car, cursing Mastercard with every step.
When we got home I called them (thankfully the traffic was slow and it took us almost 1/2 an hour to get home, which gave me the time to cool off - metaphorically that is, did I mention it is 32 degrees today?) and to Mastercard's credit, the two ladies who had to deal with me (ha!) we very nice and very helpful.
And they claim that they have reset our security so this shouldn't happen again.
I guess it's a good thing I don't really enjoy shopping.
Remember that sad sack picture I posted of Lucas yesterday? Well, I had to scrapbook it. And by the way, he told me today that today was the Best Day of His Life. Mainly because he got to play gameboy in the car on the way to The Mall. So there you go.
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