see also: "How My Son Learned About Female Anatomy and Where The Birth Canal is Located"
Lucas has had ear issues since he was little.
While camping with friends we discovered that he was only ignoring us 1/2 of the time. The rest of the time he just didn't hear us (brought to my attention by a friend while I was shrieking lucas Lucas LUCAS! for the 482nd time that weekend, "Cheryl, I don't think he can hear you" ...lightbulb on).
Anyhoo, since then Lucas has endured many ear tests, 3 sets of tubes (the last ones being "permanent"), ear infections and much poking and prodding. The boy has an insane pain threshold and the last couple of infections were not brought to our attention by pain or fever, but by stink.
I recall with a shudder the moment we first noticed it.
Sitting in the theatre room, hunkered down for a family movie.
Suddenly, the most heinous thick smell wafted around us.
I believe Jason and I noticed it first and immediately shot each other suspicious glances. (I'm not sure why he was looking at me, because as I'm sure most of you know girls don't fart, it was the cat).
We soon realized it was our youngest son's ear and once I finished diagnosing him myself on the internet we got him to the doctor and picked up yet another dose of antibiotics.
The stink ear has made an appearance once since then and thankfully we knew what it was, at first whiff, and had it taken care of.
Fast foward to last week.
Lucas begins to complain of ear pain.
I was unsure whether he was serious because it coincided with Jacob going to a birthday party, which, in turn, usually coincides with Lucas coming down with some unknown ailment.
When he took me up on the proposed doctor visit, I knew he was in pain (fyi that is our standard response to whining about things like "my leg, my leg" when in fact there was no leg pain at all, the boy just liked to be carried from room to room).
Our family doctor is the most lovely lady. She is kind and compassionate and we love her.
She specializes in obstetrics and her office is decorated accordingly.
With things like posters.
Of women's reproductive systems.
The following conversation took place between 2:10 and 2:15.
L: "Is that a poster of what we look like inside?"
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