About four weeks ago, inspired by our good friend, Dawn and her size 6 jeans, Audrey and I decided to join a "Learn to Run Clinic".
It's the one where you start out walking one minute/running (using the term "running" loosely my running style might be more aptly described as..."shambling")
sham·ble [ shamb'l ] |
intransitive verb (past and past participle sham·bled, present participle sham·bling, 3rd person present singular sham·bles) |
Definition: |
shuffle along clumsily That sounds about right. Anyhoo, last night we met during Luke's soccer practice to get in one of our three weekly runs. We both brought our dogs. Mistake number one. It's doubly hard to run (uphill) with a lunging prancing dog beside you. Who knew? I thought my first shambling injury would be something like shin splints. Something I could ice down, leg elevated, flexing my newly acquired runners leg muscles while talking about how I needed to trade up my 3 year old $20 Walmart runners for something a little more hardcore. Nope. MY first injury was road rash. The kind of road rash you get when your stupid lunging prancing dog prances her fat little body in front of you and your trip (in slomo, no less - Audrey likened it to falling like a cartoon character) and land on your hands and knees in the middle of the road. I'm sure those of you who know me and have had the opportunity to bathe in the glow of my delicacy and grace are not suprised in the least. It was five and ones (that's runner talk for we had to run 5/walk 1) and it was the hardest one we've had to do yet. It was hot and we both felt kind of crappy before we even started. At the end, we decided that we would write it off and try to block it from our memories. And we can always claim that "E" for effort. |
Well, I give you both a huge *A+++* for effort - WTG on getting to 5/1! Goodness knows I couldn't do it!
Posted by: Tara | May 11, 2007 at 12:41 PM
If we looked half as bad as we felt.... oh man I can't imagine! You kept your cool better than I would have...
We do get a big "E" for effort cause it was quite the schedule juggling just to get together LOL!!
Well here's to running on Mother's Day! Yes we are that dedicated! And I forcast a good run. (cause we will be doggless and kidless!)
Posted by: Audrey | May 11, 2007 at 01:25 PM
I've said it before, I'll say it again...
You are a delicate flower.
Sports injuries are cool! No one needs the backstory!
5 & 1's were THE HARDEST! Don't give up, somedays it's just tougher going than others.
You can do it... you ARE doing it!
Posted by: dawn | May 11, 2007 at 04:33 PM
Yes, just say you did it running. Leave it at that. Maybe add that you tripped over a wild animal that you were racing against(happens all the time here, but usually at dinner time), and you were winning so the wild animal ran in front of you to trip you up. But you, being the graceful thing you are, hit the ground and then bounced back up so fast, you got road rash and you still beat the wild animal to the finish.
Posted by: Kelli | May 11, 2007 at 04:52 PM
maybe it wasn't my fault when you fell with the typewriter...here I have been beating myself up...lol
Posted by: mom | May 11, 2007 at 06:30 PM
Sorry, Cheryl, I would have liked to have seen it!
But, good on you for going! Even if you only 'shambled'!
Posted by: Heather | May 12, 2007 at 07:43 AM
Good for you to even attempt a shamble. What is the verb for sitting on my bum all day on the computer while it gets bigger and bigger?
Posted by: Jennifer Sizemore | May 12, 2007 at 10:17 AM
I'm interested to know what cartoon character you resembled!! I've got a few in mind!! Ha! But seriously, I am proud of you! Keep it up!
Posted by: Gorgeous George | May 12, 2007 at 07:58 PM
HA! I'm with Jen... I need the same verb that she does. Did you put some neosporin on your man hands? (And I'm secretly impressed and just a little jealous of your newfound athleticism, but not jealous enough to go run myself -- *shudder*)
Posted by: Libby | May 13, 2007 at 07:32 AM
Good for you for getting out! that's awesome!
Yah, I've had run-ins (literally) with dogs too, except they aren't my own and I'm not very impressed. Not fun at all.
Posted by: Heather Moll | May 14, 2007 at 08:23 PM
guess I missed the deadline...that's okay...my knock knock joke is....knock knock....who's there...wanda...wanda who...wanda where cheryl left her keys this time....ylm
I changed the names to suit me...
Posted by: mom | May 17, 2007 at 12:55 PM