How my plan for having easy and quick to prep classes for our NSD retreat went wrong:
- too many pieces to cut
- made something that had a wooden base which was not exactly the same in each instance meaning I had to cut and measure each one individually.
In other words, I have been cutting paper and counting brads for the last few days. But it's done and now I can look forward to hanging out with the Lovely Ladies of Scrapbooking, Okanagan Branch (and eating bad for me food and drinking lots of coffee).
Here are my two projects:
I used another handy-dandy cupboard door. Man, what CAN'T you do with those things? Jason should have used them to build the house (maybe then we'd be on budget).
And this:
This little Father's Day mini book fits into a dvd tin.
Which is a nice segue into a little bit of sucking up and apologizing that I've had on my plate since April 23rd.
Dear Dad,
I am sorry I missed your birthday. I am a sad excuse for a daughter, I know this is expected from your sons, but not me. I was going to come up with an excuse, but know that with your great intellect and stunning good looks (fyi, dad would welcome any comments on how stunningly goodlooking he is and the subsequent swelled head would drive my mom nuts, which is a double bonus) you would immediately see through any lame attempt to deflect the fact that I am a bad daughter.
So I will leave it at a simple "I'm sorry" and "please forgive me".
With utmost sincerity,
(PS please don't show this to your sons or my mother)
Oh and here is a picture of my dad so everyone can see how stunningly goodlooking he is (even though he's getting kind of old - sorry again, but you totally brought that upon yourself with the whole "you're almost 40 thing")
Good one!!!!....from your dad, a casual, as he is going up the stairs.."oh, Cheryl has something new on her blog"...
The clock is absolutely fabulous ylm
Posted by: joyce findlay | May 04, 2007 at 08:57 AM
well, dude, your projects ROCK, and you can't possibly be expected to do EVERYthing... what about GG? Can't he remember the details like birthdays & stuff?? Geesh!
Wait, yeah, right, GG is a GUY... hence, remembering ANYthing is too much to ask sometimes! LOL! ;)
Posted by: Tara | May 04, 2007 at 11:18 AM
OOOOOOHHHHH!....You're bad!! and you're little friends are bad too!!!
Posted by: Gorgeous George | May 04, 2007 at 11:37 AM
I think you are possibly one of the funniest people I know! Looking forward to tomorrow and have a great time tonight teaching that GORGEOUS clock!
Posted by: Audrey | May 04, 2007 at 01:29 PM
Really, I can't comment on the projects because I am so blown away by your Dad's good looks and obvious charm. (having good friends should get you brownie points, right?)
Posted by: Jennifer Sizemore | May 04, 2007 at 02:42 PM
Older men are so sexy and I only saw a picture of one good looking guy on your blog, I can see where the boys get their looks from! I better go back and have a second look at these projects every talks about.
And all GG needs to remember is your birthday!
Posted by: Kelli | May 04, 2007 at 10:06 PM
You kill me! A BIG thank you for teaching the clock class. It is soooooooooo beautiful, it will look so pretty in my room! I absolutely LOVE it!
And, you are so right! How in the world did you get such a handsome father? He doesn't look a day over 39!
Posted by: Heather | May 05, 2007 at 12:31 AM
Oh Cheryl! What I wouldn't give to be able to come to your classes! I bet you're having a blast today!
Posted by: Libby | May 05, 2007 at 01:00 PM
Two words:
Hot Bob.
p.s. At first, I thougth YLD meant, "your loser daughter"... but then I saw your mom post "YLM", which must mean "your loving mother", because Joyce ain't no loser. Colour me informed, thank you Joyce.
p.s.s. I sure hope your parents' names are Bob & Joyce, or I'm going to look like YLF.
Posted by: Dawn Kern | May 06, 2007 at 11:49 AM
Your projects are stunning, as always. I'm sure your classes were a big hit. And I think this is one of the best suck up posts I've ever read. Bravo.
Posted by: Jennifer | May 07, 2007 at 02:39 PM