we have COLOUR!
This weird kid kept trying to barge in on all my photos.
I wonder if it had anything to do with the tub of gummi worms found in the trailer left over from camping last year.
That is the wainscotting that GG and I fought over.
I won.
Doesn't it look fabulous?
You have outdone yourself Gorgeous George.
There will definitely be something other than hotdogs for YOUR dinner tonight.
That is the dining area on the wall across from the 2 windows are french doors onto the deck.
The kitchen (which will be linen with a american walnut rub through) area.
I have to have red in every home we've built/reno'd.
I think this is my favourite red yet.
The people who bought our old house (aka our new neighbours) recently told Jason that they painted over the "purple" wall.
That was Arroyo Red (thank you very much).
But I digress...
Other weird kid who kept following me around trying to show me drawings and stuff.
Again, probably all hopped up on stale gummi worms.
GG's office and potentially the main colour in the great room/hallways.
Agree? Disagree?
I'm unsure.
Another view of GG's office.
Our interim home (Jennifer STOP LAUGHING).
Stilty McGuillicuddy and his magic paintbush of doom.
quote: "Maybe this year for halloween I'LL be the Jolly Green Giant and Joel can be Little Sprout". (I definitely sensed an eff-u sneer in his voice in this comment. Maybe the height went to his head).
Speaking of Joel and Jason (not my favourite layout, but that photo is a whole lotta funny).
OMG!!! Your house is going to be beautiful and it looks huge!!! Can I come and touch your wainscotting? Did your job as professional scrapbooker pay for your new house?
Posted by: kelli | May 21, 2007 at 09:49 PM
Stilty McGuillicuddy - - HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Oh man...... your hosue is looking INCREDIBLE! When can I come and see it?
Posted by: Dianne | May 21, 2007 at 11:03 PM
Loving it all! Adore the tall wainscott! Colours are super, and I am not a red fan! The colour for the office and possible great room is almost exactly like our new L/R 7 D/R colour. Wow! you guys are just motoring along!
Posted by: Heather | May 22, 2007 at 11:49 AM
Colors look great. I can hardly wait to see it all together...would have liked to see a few more pictures of the great artist and his works..
Posted by: mom | May 22, 2007 at 03:57 PM
I LOVE the colors!!!!!!!!!! What fabulous color is that red????? I personally don't think anyone formally known as "Lil Sprout" can aspire to be jolly or a giant.
Posted by: Jennifer Sizemore | May 22, 2007 at 04:11 PM
Your house looks awesome...
LOVE the colour!!!!!
Posted by: andreawiebe | May 24, 2007 at 09:21 AM
wow. everything looks amazing. Loving the colors you have chosen and the wainscotting looks FABU. Oh and the red. LOVE IT! Can't wait to see it all finished.
Posted by: Jennifer | May 30, 2007 at 02:00 PM
Wow. It is AMAZING! I love it all.
Posted by: Heather Moll | June 07, 2007 at 06:15 PM