Sorry for the lateness of this, but TECHNICALLY (I'm a big fan of "technically" when it helps me get out of trouble) it's "sometime after school".
Okay, after much deliberation my henchmen have decided on the funniest knock knock joke shared.
(just an aside: Mom - I didn't tell them which one was yours because I'm sure they would have voted for you, which "technically" wouldn't really be fair. Not that your joke wasn't funny, but the homemade perogies and free stolen Easter chocolate might have pushed them over the edge, which is kind of close to bribery by accident so, well, you know...)
So, without further ado, the winner is:
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Cowgo who?
No, cowgo, "Moo".
Congratulations Joan!
Email me your address ([email protected]) and I will send the magazine to you much more quickly than I got back to announcing the winner!
(PS Kelli, I have a consolation prize for you, Lucas was all over you winning, but Jacob, who is a fastidious rule follower - except of course rules like "don't hit your brother" or "aim for the middle of the toilet" - deemed it "kinda cheatin' like bribing". He's on to you lady. But you made me laugh with your replies, so I'll drop a boobie prize at the store for you!)
And thank you all for playing and upping my knock knock reportoire with which I plan to wow and amaze my friends with.
BOOOO!...contest is FIXED! My joke was by far funniest! Stupid contests!!
Posted by: Gorgeous George | May 19, 2007 at 08:37 PM
Gorgeous George, you are not as funny as you think you are.
Jacob and Lucas have spoken.
Posted by: Cheryl | May 19, 2007 at 08:58 PM
GG didn't even want the book, so what's he complaining about?
Lucas is my new best friend! And by 'boobie prize' do you mean fancy underwear? And Jacob is just too smart for me!
Posted by: kelli | May 20, 2007 at 11:42 AM
The winner was actually my favorite knock knock joke was meant more to make fun of you, than to actually try and win..although there is something I like about "winning"..ylm
Posted by: mom | May 21, 2007 at 04:17 PM