Today Lucas taught himself to whistle.
Which would be fine, even kind of cool...
if we weren't living in a pretty much one room basement at the moment.
He whistles on the computer,
he whistles while he reads,
he whistles while I am bent over tying his soccer shoe with my ear right next to his mouth,
he whistles in the car,
he even puckers up and whistles on the soccer field.
Throw in the ball?
Punctuate with a whistle.
Get hit and knocked down?
Bounce up with a whistle.
Forget you're at soccer practice and run aimlessly around the field?
Whistle, whistle, whistle.
Be told to STOP WHISTLING while in the car ride home?
Ponder whistling and all the nuances involved in said artform.
When we got home, I was treated to a lecture with demonstration on the conclusions that were reached on these ponderings.
This is what I learned:
There are five types of whistles and they are, as follows:
1. the low whistle - it's not that high - mostly used just for fun
2. medium - fun and cool
3. high - angry - for when dogs (Bella) don't come
4. very high - very loud - just for fun
5. in the middle between low and medium - in case you're bored to change things up a bit (variety is the spice of life).
Even though I now consider myself to be fully educated on the Way of the Whistle, I can't help but myself longing for the days that Lucas learned to wink.
Haha! I'm coming to your house to teach Lucas how to whistle through a piece of grass. You know, that incredibly piercing shriek that should only be heard outside and from 100 ft away. Will that make regular whistling seem better? Probably not...
Posted by: Christine | June 09, 2007 at 09:09 PM
It is stories like this that make me glad there are thousands of miles between us. Jacob is still working the finger snapping and winking skill.
Posted by: Jennifer Sizemore | June 12, 2007 at 09:48 PM
It is stories like this that make me glad there are thousands of miles between us. Jacob is still working the finger snapping and winking skill.
Posted by: Jennifer Sizemore | June 12, 2007 at 09:48 PM
How funny is that? Sounds like a set of ear plugs are in order.
Posted by: Jennifer | June 12, 2007 at 10:54 PM
Hah! Just wait till he learns how to BURP his ABC's! Or even better, holds the longest fart!
You will be longing for the simple whistling!
Posted by: Heather | June 18, 2007 at 10:20 AM