Something I could be better at:
Remembering to don the Tooth Fairy hat before I go to bed when my older sons rips a tooth from the mouth of my younger son.
Something I am pretty good at:
Walking into my craftroom early the next morning, seeing the $2 and the big reminder note that says TF (that's my super secret code for Tooth Fairy) on it in front of my computer, grabbing the money and racing back upstairs hoping that my youngest son (who the night before was obsessing about how the tooth fairy FORGOT last time and it took TWO DAYS to get his money) was not awake, screeching around the corner to his room, and upon realizing that he was indeed awake, doing an impromptu dive-turned-good morning-hug onto his bed while simultaneously sliding my hand under his pillow, grabbing the envelope with tooth and shoving it down the back of my pajamas and using my other hand to slide the money under his pillow.
AND THEN, casually walking out of the room as I see him start to slip his hand under the pillow and act shocked to hear that when he checked a few minutes ago the tooth was still there and now there was money.
I also excel at the run on sentence.
It's a gift.
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