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January 19, 2009



Me so happy you are blogging again. After your flight of the concords ref I had to come and check in on your hilarity. I hadn't visited and was not disappointed this fine day.

Jennifer Miller

Tee hee. What goes around comes around indeed. So does GG have a helmet cam?


yes, yes, you are setting yourself up for revenge at it's best...


Does GG have a helmet cam? Kerry needs one for mountain biking but it would also record crashes, but those are good for laughs!


Um, if you're trying to impress your followers with your mad skiing skillz... check.

Cheryl Overton

TypePadYou notice I didn't post the one taken about 2 minutes earlier where I biffed all over the side of the mountain.

Mad Skillz baby.

Leslie Herbert

Cheryl! lol that is amazing! your creative talents and now skiing talents?!! I am jealous!
Love the video, I will be on the lookout for more :)


VERY COOL to have video!!!!
And look at your skiing skills!

Karen Bukovan

Cheryl, I had to watch a couple time to try to get some pointers from you. Love the video!!!! And I love your new banner. :)

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